How Recreation Activities for Seniors Can Improve Their Health

recreation activities for seniors

Seniors may enjoy doing various activities, from exercise and hobbies to socializing and learning. Especially today, when so many seniors are mobile and there are so many facilities and organizations that offer recreation activities for seniors, seniors can live a full and engaging life, and even their health can benefit. What are some recreation activities…

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Heart Disease and Cardiac Rehab

cardiac rehab

Although many doctors already recommend cardiac rehab for patients with heart disease, a new recommendation in the Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA cardiology, will hopefully increase the amount of patients that take advantage of the program. The recommendation comes in the form of a patient resource, and it addresses patients who have had…

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Exercise for Cardiac Rehab

Exercise for cardiac rehab

An exercise regimen is important at any age to keep in shape and stay heart-healthy. If you start when you’re young and partake in other activities that positively affect your health, chances are high that you’ll avoid the scourge of heart disease.  What if you didn’t start early enough? Can someone who already has a…

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